Friday, September 21, 2007

lol. sorry. closed my blog. it'll be back but dunno when.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

i pray for good health, good mind, good body for everyone.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

looking forward to the future. u won't noe wad's gonna happen, tt's wad makes it interesting.

isnt easy but i'm trying hard. actually i'm lil sad. juz a little, when i dun think that much.
lol. i think there's juz too much coincidence happening in my life le ba. after living for 18 years. destiny? fate? choice? i dun believe in destiny but i believe in fate. and i believe that choices can change fate. lol.

exactly 3 years ago on this date, i used the song wake me up when september ends. but now i'm not gonna sleep anymore. rofl. and i juz ling wu sth. bad answers dosent leads to bad results. results need not be the marks but the learning process. when u learnt sth good from the bad, den wad's so bad abt it? lol.

and helmet head said ji zi instead of zi ji(meaning: ownself). LAWL.

Friday, September 14, 2007

it still dosent feels good to think abt it. but today has definitely been a better day den yest. and tml will be a better day den today. =)

everything juz makes sense when i allowed myself to think abt it. dun really wanna accept it but i have to. there's no reason for me to keep myself sad when i can choose to be happy. i did wad i could so i juz have to accept that it's fate.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

be brave
Ann is dope. she fufilled so many of her dreams during her dancing years. i fufilled only one of mine, which is to join NRA and progress on dance after sec sch. i have another BIG DREAM. which is to open a BIG dance school with my dance friends. LOL. and must be dope one, where people from other countries come to singapore to learn dance. maybe i think TOO MUCH, but it's not impossible. lol.

yest was the most suckiest day of my life since 18 sept 2004. almost 3 years. wow. but i noe i have to accept it. fuck. now i need distractions temporarily. i dun wanna stay at home.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

finally it's gonna be over. let's see how long will i take to move on. =)
i need my friends.

Monday, September 10, 2007


Sunday, September 09, 2007

i've learnt so much from this competition and i want to thank everyone for it.

to 8 steps: i am glad to be part of this team. we've gone thru so much training to push ourselves and improve on our item. yes we bonded and we showed love through dance. for God, for everyone.

to whole of NRA: be it alumni, seniors, juniors or freshies. thx for all the wishes, hugs, cheers, handshakes and everything else. i believe that there's always something to learn from each individual and thank all of u guys for being my role model. let's all continue to work hard to grow as both a dancer and a family.

to Ann: thx for being the greatest instuctor ever and guiding us thruout this comp. there's just too much u've done to make everyone improve. u're more than an instructor to us.

yea. finally suntec is over. lets juz put it aside and make sure our next performance/competition will be even a better one. lolololol.

thx peg,xing,sonia,eve,david,shane for coming down. plus the liang cha last week plus the envelope plus the safety pin plus the smses.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Dear friends,

1stly i will like to thank you all for being my friends. LOL.
thx for entertaining me and letting me entertain u guys.
i seriously feel happy when i make you guys laugh.
and i realised it's easier to live for others than to live for your own self.
when u live for urself, u become emo when u dun get wad u desire.
and i dun need people to make me happy. i can make myself happy when i make my friends happy =)

which is juz like wad patrick from all-stars said to us 8 steps juz now.
dance not juz for urself but for everyone else.
when u dance juz to improve urself and the more u expect of urself, the more stress u'll get.
but when u dance for others. for ur team, for the audience, for ur friends, for the judges.
u show them ur love for dance, u work hard with ur team for a common goal and most imptly enjoy the dance.
u will not only improve technically, but also make ppl feel the goosebumps with all the passion shown. rofl.

yea tt's all.

Friday, September 07, 2007

less than 42 hours to suntec. once again, go 8 STEPS, POSHBITES, IN.BASS, ROUGH ADDICTS, F.BEATX!, TERENCE, KEN, ALEX. rest well everyone and hope all those who're injured recover fast. let's enjoy performing. =)

2 missions. 1 day.

Monday, September 03, 2007

prepared and ready to go with a shield.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Evan Almighty

Lol. not really funny as expected budden i still like the show. =)

there will always be opportunities around you.
it's juz the matter whether u see them and decide if u want to use them.
people will always be given the chance to WORK for what they want.